डिभी चिठ्ठा सदाका लागि बन्द गर्ने अमेरिकी निर्णय
विकासराज न्यौपाने–अमेरीकी संसदको बहुमतले डिभि भिसा बन्द गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । नेपाली समय
अनुसार गएराती अमेरीकी संसदमा भएको मतदानमा डिभि ग्रीनकार्ड बन्द गर्ने
भन्ने पक्षमा २४५ जनाले मतदान गरेका थिए भने १३९ जनाले बन्द गर्न नहुने
पक्षमा मतदान गरेका थिए । डिभि भरेर अमेरीका भित्रीएकाहरु कम योग्यता भएका र
अमेरीकाको निम्ती कुनै फाइदा नपुग्ने भन्दै रोक्नु पर्ने पक्षमा बहुमत
संसद उभिएका थिए ।डिभि ग्रीनकार्डको सट्टा अमेरीकामानै
प्राविधिक,उच्च शिक्षा पढदै गरेकाहरुलाई ग्रीनकार्ड दिइने कानुन बनाउने
भन्दै डिभि ग्रिनकार्डको बिरुद्धमा उनिहरु उभिएका हुन् । संसदको यो
निर्णयलाई अमेरीकि सिनेटले पास गरेमा डिभि लोटरी कार्यक्रम सदाको लागि बन्द
हुने छ । डिभि लटरीबाट ४० हजार जति नेपाली अमेरीका पुगेको अनुमान गरीएको छ
। संसारको सबै भन्दा शक्तिसाली देश अमेरीकि संसदको यो निर्णयले नेपाल
लगायतका बिकासोन्मुख मुलुकका सर्बसाधारण जनताहरुको अमेरीका पुग्ने सपना
अधुरै रहने छ । नेपालमा बषौ देखि डिभि भर्ने नाममा करोडौ कमाँउदै
आएका इस्पार्ट,इजोन लगायतका डिभि भर्नेहरुको धन्दा पनि खत्तम हुने भयो ।
डिभि भर्नको लागि पैसा लिन नपाँउने भन्दै अमेरीकि दुतावासले सुचना जारी गरे
पनि यस बषै उनिहरुले करोडौ रुपयाँ डिभि भर्ने नाममा कुम्ल्याएका थिए ।
House passes bill to cancel diversity visa lottery The House voted
Friday to cancel the annual diversity visa lottery and give those
immigration visas to high-tech foreign-born who earn advanced degrees
from American universities, as Republicans powered through their chamber
the first major immigration bill since the election. The 245-139 vote
was a test of the GOP’s plan to tackle immigration piecemeal, and while
the bill passed, the strong opposition from Democrats suggests that
Republicans’ strategy will face difficult hurdles. And while the chief
selling point of the bill was to boost green cards given to science,
technology, engineering and technology students, the bigger fight came
over Republicans’ plans to cancel the diversity visa lottery, which the
GOP argues is rife with fraud.
“We want to put to the head of
the line the people who, every single one of them that comes, net
creates jobs,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican, who
managed the bill on the House floor.
Democrats, though,
objected to making immigration a zero-sum equation, where any new visas
would have to come at the expense of existing lines of immigration. “I
can’t support a bill that pits immigrant communities against each
other,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, the ranking Democrat on the House
immigration subcommittee. She also said that it’s not a one-to-one
exchange, and immigration would actually decrease under the GOP bill.
While all 55,000 diversity visas are used every year, she said
statistics from the National Science Foundation show that there are only
about 30,000 students a year who would even qualify.
Hispanics were credited with helping boost President Obama in this
year’s elections, both parties have been eager to find ways to tackle
immigration. Democrats say they want to pass a broad bill that legalizes
most illegal immigrants and rewrites the legal immigration system,
while House Speaker John A. Boehner has said his chamber will go
Both Republicans and Democrats agree more
should be done to keep desirable would-be immigrants, such as those
earning advanced degrees, here in the U.S. But they disagree over
whether to do that as a stand-alone, or what should be coupled with it.
In the case of this week’s bill, it eliminates the diversity visa
lottery — a long-time target of some Republicans, who say it invites
fraud and could be a national security risk. The lottery doles out
immigration visas based on chance, with the goal of giving those in
lesser-represented countries a chance to earn a spot. Every year,
millions of would-be immigrants apply for the 55,000 slots. House
Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, who wrote the legislation,
said the visa lottery invites fraud. In an effort to sweeten the bill
for Democrats, he included a provision that would allow legal immigrants
to let their family members, who are also seeking green cards, to wait
in the U.S. with them, rather than have to wait in their home countries.
Read more: House passes bill to cancel diversity visa lottery - Washington Times
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